4 Signs of A Healthy Mouth
4 Signs of A Healthy Mouth
So, you took your dentist’s advice and transformed your daily dental routine: You brush your teeth and carefully remove food debris using the proper brushing technique. After every meal, you rinse thoroughly. Your diet is mostly made up of clean, organic foods which are low in sugar and other preservatives. You even floss daily to make sure those hard-to-reach spaces in the mouth are properly cleaned. Congratulations! You are well on your way to achieving ideal dental health, something that will save you a lot of stress and put less pressure on your pocket! Here are some signs that your mouth is healthy and protected.
1. No Gum Bleeding
If you notice that your gums are bleeding less while brushing, it is a sign that your oral health has improved. Bleeding gums are usually an indicator of poor oral health and as they become stronger, they are less likely to bleed even while flossing. Healthy gums feel strong, firm and pain-free after every brush. Your gums will also be a healthy shade of pink and will not feel swollen. If your gums are inflamed or miscoloured, you could be suffering from untreated gum disease. Learn more about periodontal treatment by visiting our services page now.
2. Fresh breath
The simplest way to know where you stand with your oral health is to check your breath after your dental care routine. Your breath should smell neutral or fresh, indicating that bad bacteria which cause tooth decay have been largely eliminated. If you have persistent bad breath, it could be the result of other health issues like underlying respiratory or gastrointestinal diseases.
A combination of brushing after every meal, flossing daily and rinsing your mouth with an effective antibacterial mouthwash each day can help slow down the growth of bacteria which cause bad breath.
3. Teeth surfaces feel smooth
Another simple way to check dental health is to run your tongue over every tooth surface in the mouth to feel for texture. If your teeth feel smooth then you’re on the right track, but if you experience rough textures especially in hard-to-reach places it could be a sign that your teeth are not being brushed properly. This can lead to the build-up of tartar which increases the rate of tooth decay. Keep in mind that tartar cannot be cleaned by brushing and will require professional cleaning by a dentist.
4. Fewer tooth-decay related issues
It is never too late to begin a comprehensive and well-considered oral hygiene routine. It may take some time to show results, but you’ll thank yourself when you start to notice fewer toothaches, fewer visits to the dentist for serious dental procedures and visibly cleaner teeth. Good dental health is a culmination of many different factors like diet, brushing technique, type of brush, regular dental check-ups and attention to detail!
Improve your smile and your overall health with Dentists on the Gold Coast! Schedule an appointment through our website now!